05 February 2014

DIY - Give your scarf a second life!

Another quick and easy do it yourself.

I have an overload in scarves. Coming from a country where winters are winters and summer is a light version of winter a scarf is a must have accessory. Ok, I'm kinda exaggerating that summers are a light version of winter, but in the evening it can be a bit chilly so a scarf can be helpful.
Ok, now back to the subject. The DIY. So I have a good collection of scarfs and most of them I don't wear anymore, but I also don't want to throw them away or something so why not do something fun and give them a second life. Let's make a headband. Also a very cool accessory.

Let's get started! What do you need?
1) A scissor
2) A elastic hair band
3) One or more scarves
 that you can cut up. You can actually use any kind of fabric. An old t-shirt, a ribbon.   Doesn't really matter as long as it is long enough to braid.

What do you do?
First you cut the scarf into 3 strips of about 5cm wide. I had only cut 2 strips, because I also had a piece of ribbon.

Then you take the elastic hair band and tie every piece of fabric very tightly to the elastic band.
Then start braiding. Braid it as tight as you can and check every now and then if it already has the right size.

When it's the correct size tie a knot at the end of the braid and cut the excess fabric away. But make sure you still have about 10cm left. Now tie every piece of strip again to the elastic band and cut the left over fabric away.

And voila! There you have your homemade braided headband.

Have fun!!!

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